In ultimele luni se observa o crestere a presiunii intre credinciosii de la mesaj si conducerea bisericilor, mai ales in SUA, care datorita informatiilor corecte de pe siteurile ex-mesaj, incep sa isi puna intrebari de bun simt si sa le puna si liderilor care conduc adunarile.
Jeff Jenkins cunoscutul pastor la "mesajul orei" din SUA la dat pe fratele sau afara din biserica, intr-un mod mai elegant fata de alte biserici, pentru ca acesta i-a pus intrebari in repetate randuri despre Ilie, nor, inger si alte cateva lucruri care se contrazic in mesaj si nu sunt in armonie cu Biblia, lucruri vazute de acesta pe siteul
Jeff Jenkins cunoscutul pastor la "mesajul orei" din SUA la dat pe fratele sau afara din biserica, intr-un mod mai elegant fata de alte biserici, pentru ca acesta i-a pus intrebari in repetate randuri despre Ilie, nor, inger si alte cateva lucruri care se contrazic in mesaj si nu sunt in armonie cu Biblia, lucruri vazute de acesta pe siteul
Exista un spirit de ura intre fratii la mesaj, care se manifesta doar cand este pus fata in fata cu adevarul? Nu stiu ce sa zic, dar nu e nici macar omeneste sa faci asa ceva.
Lideri de la mesaj sunt incoltiti de intrebarile credinciosilor. Oare ce vor mai face? Cat timp vor nega adevarul si sa urmeze naluci?
Nu mai pot da socoteala de crezurile lor si atunci indeparteaza oamenii in mod abuziv. Fara motiv biblic. E urat. Dumnezeu sa le lumineze mintea inraita.
Decat sa lamureasca si sa scoata falsurile din mesaj si sa continue cu ce e corect si sa mearga impreuna mai departe, isi alunga propria familia afara din biserica, nu cu motiv de pacat, sau hula, sau violenta, ci pentru cateva intrebari, pe care tot mai multi credinciosi ai mesajului le pun.
On February 23rd, my brother Jeff Jenkins, announced to the church that Kathy and I would no longer be attending BCF.
On February 23rd, my brother Jeff Jenkins, announced to the church that Kathy and I would no longer be attending BCF.
In his attempt to be as kind and gentle as possible, he stated that we were now following "Believe the Sign". Nothing could be farther from the truth. While he was not attempting to be misleading, this is not accurate.
I have been on my Christian journey for 40 years.
I have always thought I was following Christ. Paul said, follow me as I follow Christ. I thought i was following Brother Branham as he followed Christ, but I have since realized that Brother Branham's path was not as close to Christ's as I had hoped.
I am not following "Believe the Sign" although I did gather some information from them along with other sites such as Searching for Vindication and Morning Mercy.
These sites were only used to provide information for me to make my decision to pull away from the teachings of Brother Branham and strive to follow Christ without the influence of the message.
I greatly appreciate Jeff's attitude that he has towards Kathy and I and his willingness to discuss the issues.
When I hear the horror stories that other people talk about concerning families and pastors, I consider myself blessed to have a brother with such a great attitude.
When I hear the horror stories that other people talk about concerning families and pastors, I consider myself blessed to have a brother with such a great attitude.
If you have any interest in viewing the sites that I mentioned, here are links to them.
Sincerely, Paul Jenkins
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