Am vazut in ultimii ani cum Branham a furat si a plagiat toate invataturile pe care le-a adus si numit in final ca revelatia lui, ca revelatia lui Dumnezeu, numindu-le in ultimii ani, "mesajul orei", "mesajul celor 7 tunete", "mesajul timpului de sfarsit", "descoperirea pentru Mireasa" "restituire" etc.
Povestea lui, viata lui, experientele lui s-au dovedit a fi inventii si inchipuiri preluate din bogata lui imaginatie, imbolnavita de dorinta de a fi mereu sus, deasupra altor lideri crestini, de a fi ce nu a fost niciodata.
Si cand toate acestea le-a amestecat cu anumite adevaruri biblice sau lucruri interesante (nu neaparat si adevarate) a dus usor oamenii de nas.
Am mai gasit o posibila sursa de inspiratie, a povestirilor sale, care datorita multor intamplari interesante, deseori captivau si emotionau audienta, pe cititori, sau pe cei care asculta benzile si inregistarile lui pana in ziua de astazi.
In urma atator dovezi de plagiat si de furt intelectual, Branham a furat - si de data asta probabil peste 90% din tot ce ne-a povestit - de la un vecin de langa el, care desi sa nascut in 1879, si a experimentat lucruri interesante cu mult inainte ca Branham sa se nasca, a fost sursa multor idei pe care Branham le-a furat construindu-si propria viata profetica falsa.
Chiar acolo in vecinatatea lui Branham, in Louisville, am fost acolo in vizita, a mai existat o poveste de viata si credinta "supranaturala", cu chemare divina, cu voce la raul Ohio, cu invatatura antitrinitara si care are menirea de "a pregati Mireasa pentru Rapire."
Un predicator pe nume William Sowders a marturisit public ani de zile experientele sale, chemarea si misiunea pe care o avea.
Toti de acolo il cunosteau si ii cunosteau povestile.
Era un fel de Vladimir Pustan local sa zic asa, adica, vreau sa spun ca era cunoscut.
Povestea lui, viata lui, experientele lui s-au dovedit a fi inventii si inchipuiri preluate din bogata lui imaginatie, imbolnavita de dorinta de a fi mereu sus, deasupra altor lideri crestini, de a fi ce nu a fost niciodata.
Si cand toate acestea le-a amestecat cu anumite adevaruri biblice sau lucruri interesante (nu neaparat si adevarate) a dus usor oamenii de nas.
Am mai gasit o posibila sursa de inspiratie, a povestirilor sale, care datorita multor intamplari interesante, deseori captivau si emotionau audienta, pe cititori, sau pe cei care asculta benzile si inregistarile lui pana in ziua de astazi.
In urma atator dovezi de plagiat si de furt intelectual, Branham a furat - si de data asta probabil peste 90% din tot ce ne-a povestit - de la un vecin de langa el, care desi sa nascut in 1879, si a experimentat lucruri interesante cu mult inainte ca Branham sa se nasca, a fost sursa multor idei pe care Branham le-a furat construindu-si propria viata profetica falsa.
Chiar acolo in vecinatatea lui Branham, in Louisville, am fost acolo in vizita, a mai existat o poveste de viata si credinta "supranaturala", cu chemare divina, cu voce la raul Ohio, cu invatatura antitrinitara si care are menirea de "a pregati Mireasa pentru Rapire."
Un predicator pe nume William Sowders a marturisit public ani de zile experientele sale, chemarea si misiunea pe care o avea.
Toti de acolo il cunosteau si ii cunosteau povestile.
Era un fel de Vladimir Pustan local sa zic asa, adica, vreau sa spun ca era cunoscut.
Intreaga poveste de viata a acestuia, i s-o fi parut interesanta si lui Branham si treptat a plagiat-o, a furat-o, copiind lucrurile de importanta majora din viata lui William Sowders, si aplicandu-le lui personal.
Branham si-a inchipuit ce bine ar fi fost sa fie el acel om si cu acea dorinta in el, a inceput sa creada ca chiar i s-a intamplat.
Apoi sa format zi de zi pe sine, imitand, furand elementele vietii acelui om si ale misiunii sale, spunand ca el, Branham, le-ar fi experimentat in mod personal. Iata cateva doar din lucrurile acestea.
Apoi sa format zi de zi pe sine, imitand, furand elementele vietii acelui om si ale misiunii sale, spunand ca el, Branham, le-ar fi experimentat in mod personal. Iata cateva doar din lucrurile acestea.
William Sowders (1879 – 1952) | William Branham (1909 – 1965) |
The young man, William Sowders, born to Charles and Florence Meeky Sowders in Louisville, Kentucky on September 13, 1879, was Called by God to preach HIS (Gods) gospel. He was chosen by God to bring together the Body of Christ in this day. | Those who loved him call him "Brother Branham". He was born in the hills of Kentucky in a crude log cabin, April 6, 1906. Those present witnessed a strange hazy light hovering over him, although it was before daylight. |
Brother Sowders began by running from God. Brother Sowders had been searching for something, which only God could give him. He became a hunter and fisherman in the small town of Olmstead, Illinois. Olmstead is where the Lord would lead Bro. Sowders to find his Calling. | For a time he still resisted the call of God on his life. At the age of fourteen he was seriously wounded while hunting and had to spend seven months in hospital. God dealt with him then, but still he did not take heed. Nevertheless the urgency of the call became more an more conscious to him. |
From the banks of the beautiful Ohio River in Southern Illinois, the movement of The Body of Jesus Christ was to originate in the twentieth century. Brother Sowders heard a Voice thundering over his head said, Son, I want you to preach MY GOSPEL! He later recalled that the voice was so loud it actually took the life out of his body and almost burst his eardrums, especially when the Lord voiced MY GOSPEL! | He was called to bring about the healing of the Mystical Body of Christ - which is His Church. Brother Branham was baptizing in the Ohio river anda strange Light, like a star, suddenly came whirling down and hung over his head. A Voice spoke from the Light and said these words, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first Coming of the Lord, so are you sent to forerun His second Coming..." |
When he came to himself, he looked up and a golden light was around him. He then felt strength coming back into his body and he rose to his feet. However, from that wonderful experience he started out from there to study GOD'S GOSPEL. | He spoke to me in that Great Light telling me to preach the Gospel, pray for the sick and He would heal them regardless of what disease they had. Obedient to His Voice I went forth preaching and praying for the sick, and the Lord has confirmed His Word with signs following. |
This man, with the divine call of God, gave up his own life, subjected his life to Jesus, and launched into the ministry. These Pentecostal revival themes were receiving the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, divine healing, and the soon coming of Jesus Christ. In fact they were saying then, that Jesus could come any night! About nine months after conversion, in 1912, William Sowders received the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 under the ministry of Bob Shelton and George Aubrey on the “Gospel Boat.” | There was another reason why God chose William Branham for the great task of calling His people to the unity of spirit. The Lord knew that he would never attempt to start another organization of his own. This he could have done. But to such suggestion he never gave one moment of consideration. “I began to pray for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. One day about six months later God gave me the desire of my heart. It was then that something swept over me and I experienced an exquisite feeling I had never known before. |
The oneness people stressed using the ceremonial formula of baptizing in the name of Jesus. The Trinitarians steadfastly uttered the words, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Pentecostal churches split over these issues. Many of the early twentieth centuries Pentecostal groups shattered because of the friction and fury generated by the Godhead and water baptism issues. God the Father, whom he alleged, was a Spirit (Being) Jesus the Son, a Heavenly Creature. He agreed with the Oneness element that the Holy Ghost was not a person, but rather the Spirit, or essence of God. | Though he embraced the "Oneness" formula for water baptism - in the NAME of the Lord Jesus Christ, William Branham's view of the Godhead is far from the "Unitarian" concept or the concept preached by the United Pentecostal Church. Yet, the teaching of "three persons' in the Godhead is so ingrained in the people that to question it's validity is immediately called heresy and branded as a 'cult'. The trinity and oneness doctrine are both in error. The Word of God reveals the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and every Christian must confess that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 4:15). |
He advanced beyond his fellow Ministers in revealed truth. God restored to him the many Doctrines of the early church, which were lost during the falling away and the apostasy of the dark ages. He moved beyond the knowledge of the Holy Ghost and the Second Coming of Christ. Brother Sowders began to preach the truth as God gave him on Hell; Babylon; the Body of Christ; Charity, Water Baptism (more than & in Jesus name). In addition, Eternal Judgment; the Number and qualifications to be part of Christ's Bride; and The Godhead. | And God is making an "end" of the "Fullness of the Gentiles" (Spiritual) and the "Times of the Gentiles" (Political) - the "Fullness", covering the period of the Seven Church Ages of Revelation chapters 2 and 3, will climax with an "Indictment" of the religious systems of man, followed by the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. The "Times", beginning with Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, will conclude with the battle of Armageddon - the ultimate end of Gentile domination, control and influence over Israel. |
Brother William Sowders was a “specially-called” and a “specially-anointed” man of God, a leader and a teacher of men, called and sustained by God to further the work of restoring God’s church in the earth in these last days. Truly in every sense of the word, he was God’s man for the hour. God will see that his work continues until the Body of Jesus Christ, in its healing, reaches maturity and the last remaining members that go to make up the Bride of Jesus Christ are made ready. | We will also show the fulfillment of these prophecies in a man whom God has mightily used in this age - to deny it is to deny "manifested" Truth. God called the man! God vindicated the man! God used the man in a ministry of restoration to restore and reveal His Word to His Sons and Daughters. By no means does that Ministry add to the Bible - but rather the mysteries contained in Scripture are revealed and will ultimately give Rapturing Faith to the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ in this Age. |
Analizand intreaga lui viata observam ca Branham era precum ingerul laodicean: GOL!
Nu avea nimic personal in viata lui de la Dumnezeu, ca un original.
Branham a copiat, a imitat si a furat multe, a furat aproape totul.
Stiu! Este șocant!
Ne doare în adânc, dacă ne pasă cu adevarat si daca am crezut cu adevarat mesajul.
Ne-am dedicat mesajului, ideilor sale, am dat zeciuieli, am donat, am ajutat, am alergat, am facut din inima curata tot ce am stiut ca e bine frumos si placut Domnului, sa facem.
Ba deseori, am si am rabdat apucaturile de tarani prosti si inculti a multor frati si lideri. Am inghitit barfele lor. Am trecut peste ura si invidia lor. Am stiut ca ne vorbesc de rau, dar ne-am rugat pentru ei. Am iertat cele mai rele si false barfe si rautati si atacuri din partea lor.
Am luptat si cu propriile noastre ispite, cu propriile noastre greseli, am rabdat si rautatile altora, aberatiile lor, incultura lor, nesimtirea lor, ambitiile diabolice ale lor, barfele lor, otrava lor, minciunile lor, ipocriziile lor.
Iar apoi sa aflam ca nu vom avea NICI O RASPLATA PENTRU TOATE ACESTEA deoarece Branham si mesajul sau s-au dovedit a fi total false? E teribil!!!
Nu avea nimic personal in viata lui de la Dumnezeu, ca un original.
Branham a copiat, a imitat si a furat multe, a furat aproape totul.
Stiu! Este șocant!
Ne doare în adânc, dacă ne pasă cu adevarat si daca am crezut cu adevarat mesajul.
Ne-am dedicat mesajului, ideilor sale, am dat zeciuieli, am donat, am ajutat, am alergat, am facut din inima curata tot ce am stiut ca e bine frumos si placut Domnului, sa facem.
Ba deseori, am si am rabdat apucaturile de tarani prosti si inculti a multor frati si lideri. Am inghitit barfele lor. Am trecut peste ura si invidia lor. Am stiut ca ne vorbesc de rau, dar ne-am rugat pentru ei. Am iertat cele mai rele si false barfe si rautati si atacuri din partea lor.
Am luptat si cu propriile noastre ispite, cu propriile noastre greseli, am rabdat si rautatile altora, aberatiile lor, incultura lor, nesimtirea lor, ambitiile diabolice ale lor, barfele lor, otrava lor, minciunile lor, ipocriziile lor.
Iar apoi sa aflam ca nu vom avea NICI O RASPLATA PENTRU TOATE ACESTEA deoarece Branham si mesajul sau s-au dovedit a fi total false? E teribil!!!
Branham a furat si a copiat viata si evenimentele lui William Sowders - "profetul" - care a trait in vecinatatea lui.
"The founder of the Gospel Assembly Church, William J. Sowders, was born on September 13, 1879 in Louisville, Kentucky".
Intr-o zi, cu mult inainte de Branham -a pretins- a auzit si el o voce din cer, la raul Ohio, care ia dat insarcinarea sa predice Cuvantul, Evanghelia.
"One day, while preaching on the “Gospel Boat,” Sowders heard a voice from heaven, a voice he believed was God’s. The voice exclaimed to Sowders, “I want you to do something. Son, I want you to preach MY GOSPEL". [emphasis original]
In timp ce se roaga, afla ca ideea unitariano/duotariana este corecta, si nu cea trinitara:
"As Brother Sowders studied and prayed over [Oneness Pentecostalism vs. Trinitarianism], the Lord revealed to him the truth of the ‘Godhead,’ which automatically motivated him to take the middle ground on these issues. Brother Sowders contended that there were not three, not one, but rather two separate persons in the Godhead – God the Father, which he asserted was ‘a Spirit (Being)’ . . . and Jesus the Son, a Heavenly Creature."
William Sowder, sau Brother Bill cum si lui ii spuneau ca si lui Branham, a si promovat RESTITUIREA BISERICII - CHEMAREA AFARA, ADEVARUL PREZENT, LUMINA TIMPULUI PREZENT, impotriva sistemului denominational, mesagerul timpului de sfarsit, etc. TOATE ACESTEA SE PREDICAU, ACOLO LANGA BRANHAM, CU MULT INAINTE CA BRANHAM SA DEVINA PREDICATOR MACAR.
"William Branham, well known in the 1940’s and 1950’s Pentecostal healing revivals, who was also connected with Sowders, as they both made interesting claims of being “End Time Messengers.” Branham got this idea from Sowders from most indications."
A avut invataturile unitariene de la Jesus Only pretinzand ca a avut descoperire divina dupa ce le-a mai aranjat si el putin, ca si Branham.
Branham a luat diferite idei de la adventisti, de martorii lui Iehova si altii. Dar cam toti au facut la fel.
Branham a PLAGIAT SI FURAT FARA RUSINE Epoci -Peceti - Apocalipsa - Daniel -etc. de la Larkin pretinzand ca lui i le-a descoperit Dumnezeu.
Branham a inventat o intalnire cu un inger luand slujba de vindecare de la (ingerul) AVAK, vindecatorul armenian.
Sfaturile lui Avak au devenit ca o insarcinare supranaturala pentru Branham. El a transformat sfaturile lui Avak si intalnirea cu el, intr-o misiune supranaturala, intr-o intalnire cu un inger ceresc.
Dar asa zisa slujba supranaturala a constat de fapt in urmatoarele cuvinte ale lui Avak catre Branham: "DACA VEI FACE PE OAMENI SA TE CREADA...."
Dar asta e pura psihologie de a convinge, de a ajuta pe cineva in procesul de vindecare. Asta toti oameni o au in ei, in masuri diferite.
Nu exista nici o trimitere "supranaturala" intr-un proces psihologic atat de firesc, atat de normal. Asta e ceva normal, nu supranatural.
Este puterea credintei omului in actiune. Asta e frumos. E bine sa fie cat mai multi care au asta in ei si ajuta omenirea. Dar aceste lucruri normale si necesare nu trebuiesc ingradite in ideile unui singur om autointitulat inger si profet.
Aceste idei pot fi o imensa binecuvantare si trebuie sa fie active in vietile multor crestini si oameni normali.
Cand un om crede si experimenteaza lucruri iar apoi face si pe altul sa creada, se intampla lucruri extraordinare! Asta e nemaipomenit. Branham asa facea la inceput si avea succes ajutand oamenii.
Eu cred ca el trebuia sa se tina de treaba, sa ramana la slujirea oamenilor, sa nu ajunga la pretentia aroganta de a fi crezut si urmat obligatoriu.
William Sowders (1879-1952)
William Sowders a trait la doar la 4 kilometri de locuinta lui Branham, peste podul de pe raul Ohio si toata lumea il cunostea si cunostea intreaga lui poveste de viata si experiente!
"The founder of the Gospel Assembly Church, William J. Sowders, was born on September 13, 1879 in Louisville, Kentucky".
Intr-o zi, cu mult inainte de Branham -a pretins- a auzit si el o voce din cer, la raul Ohio, care ia dat insarcinarea sa predice Cuvantul, Evanghelia.
"One day, while preaching on the “Gospel Boat,” Sowders heard a voice from heaven, a voice he believed was God’s. The voice exclaimed to Sowders, “I want you to do something. Son, I want you to preach MY GOSPEL". [emphasis original]
In timp ce se roaga, afla ca ideea unitariano/duotariana este corecta, si nu cea trinitara:
"As Brother Sowders studied and prayed over [Oneness Pentecostalism vs. Trinitarianism], the Lord revealed to him the truth of the ‘Godhead,’ which automatically motivated him to take the middle ground on these issues. Brother Sowders contended that there were not three, not one, but rather two separate persons in the Godhead – God the Father, which he asserted was ‘a Spirit (Being)’ . . . and Jesus the Son, a Heavenly Creature."
William Sowder, sau Brother Bill cum si lui ii spuneau ca si lui Branham, a si promovat RESTITUIREA BISERICII - CHEMAREA AFARA, ADEVARUL PREZENT, LUMINA TIMPULUI PREZENT, impotriva sistemului denominational, mesagerul timpului de sfarsit, etc. TOATE ACESTEA SE PREDICAU, ACOLO LANGA BRANHAM, CU MULT INAINTE CA BRANHAM SA DEVINA PREDICATOR MACAR.
"William Branham, well known in the 1940’s and 1950’s Pentecostal healing revivals, who was also connected with Sowders, as they both made interesting claims of being “End Time Messengers.” Branham got this idea from Sowders from most indications."
A avut invataturile unitariene de la Jesus Only pretinzand ca a avut descoperire divina dupa ce le-a mai aranjat si el putin, ca si Branham.
Branham a luat diferite idei de la adventisti, de martorii lui Iehova si altii. Dar cam toti au facut la fel.
Branham a PLAGIAT SI FURAT FARA RUSINE Epoci -Peceti - Apocalipsa - Daniel -etc. de la Larkin pretinzand ca lui i le-a descoperit Dumnezeu.
Branham a inventat o intalnire cu un inger luand slujba de vindecare de la (ingerul) AVAK, vindecatorul armenian.
Sfaturile lui Avak au devenit ca o insarcinare supranaturala pentru Branham. El a transformat sfaturile lui Avak si intalnirea cu el, intr-o misiune supranaturala, intr-o intalnire cu un inger ceresc.
Dar asa zisa slujba supranaturala a constat de fapt in urmatoarele cuvinte ale lui Avak catre Branham: "DACA VEI FACE PE OAMENI SA TE CREADA...."
Dar asta e pura psihologie de a convinge, de a ajuta pe cineva in procesul de vindecare. Asta toti oameni o au in ei, in masuri diferite.
Nu exista nici o trimitere "supranaturala" intr-un proces psihologic atat de firesc, atat de normal. Asta e ceva normal, nu supranatural.
Este puterea credintei omului in actiune. Asta e frumos. E bine sa fie cat mai multi care au asta in ei si ajuta omenirea. Dar aceste lucruri normale si necesare nu trebuiesc ingradite in ideile unui singur om autointitulat inger si profet.
Aceste idei pot fi o imensa binecuvantare si trebuie sa fie active in vietile multor crestini si oameni normali.
Cand un om crede si experimenteaza lucruri iar apoi face si pe altul sa creada, se intampla lucruri extraordinare! Asta e nemaipomenit. Branham asa facea la inceput si avea succes ajutand oamenii.
Eu cred ca el trebuia sa se tina de treaba, sa ramana la slujirea oamenilor, sa nu ajunga la pretentia aroganta de a fi crezut si urmat obligatoriu.
Si culmea ipocriziei la Branham a fost cand el a criticat anumiti evanghelisti care si ei au iesit in campanii evanghelistice cu vindecarea divina, numindu-i IMITATORI. (adica el Branham era originalul, si el este copiat de catre altii, si ei sunt falsi.)
Dar adevarul deseori era exact invers.
Chiar el, facea asta, el, Branham, marele fals! Marele imitator! Marele gol!
NU DEGEABA ISUS PERSONAL ii spune ingerului laodicea:
- GOL!
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Asemanarile doctrinale:
Chiar el, facea asta, el, Branham, marele fals! Marele imitator! Marele gol!
NU DEGEABA ISUS PERSONAL ii spune ingerului laodicea:
- GOL!
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